My dear Parishioners,
As we approach the feast of the Birth of our Saviour, Jesus, I wish to take this opportunity to express to you and your families, my very best wishes for a happy and joyful season of Christmas!
Since arriving as your new pastor last June, I have been very impressed and grateful for your kind and generous welcome and your willingness to share new ideas. During these past six months, we have seen many parishioners volunteer to help with our various liturgical and parish ministries. Whether you have baked cookies or brought something for our weekend hospitality sharing table, helped to serve at our weekend liturgies, have sung in our funeral or Christmas choirs, been a cantor, participated in one of our parish organizations or committees, or helped in any way, know that you do this in love for the Lord and your fellow parishioners.
Very often, we forget that many of our parishioners may not be able to serve in these ways, as they are busy using their talents doing God’s work in ministering to family and friends in their homes, at work, in the hospital, nursing homes, or the community. Likewise, many of our seniors may be unable to participate in active ministry but can be an important resource by praying each day for our parish and the intentions of our parishioners.
I am deeply grateful to all of you for your support, and I want you to know that it is only when people share their talents within a parish that the parish grows in faith, in love and in a genuine spirit of community. So, as we approach the New Year, I ask you to consider how Jesus may be calling you to serve in our Parish.
Be assured that you are all in my prayers as I ask the Infant Jesus to bless you and your family with good health, peace, joy, and strong faith throughout the New Year. May our parish of Holy Redeemer be a source of strength and grace for you. As your pastor, I am at your disposal. If I can be of any help to you in any way , please do not hesitate to contact me at anytime.902- 628-9463.
With my warmest best wishes and blessing!
Fr. Joseph Dovari,