Here is an interesting story that illustrates the skepticism of an unbeliever with regards to the Eucharist and the tremendous wisdom that a believer draws from it.
A man came to a priest and wanted to make fun of his faith, so he asked, “How can bread and wine turn into the Body and Blood of Christ?”
The priest answered, “No problem. You yourself change food into your body and blood, so why can’t Christ do the same?”
But the objector did not give up. He asked, “But how can the entire Christ be in such a small host?”
“In the same way that the vast landscape before you can fit into your little eye.”
But he still persisted, “How can the same Christ be present in all your churches at the same time?”
The priest then took a mirror and let the man look into it. Then let the mirror fall to the ground and broke it and said to the skeptic, “There is only one of you and yet you can find your face reflected in each piece of that broken mirror at the same time.
Submitted by Fr. Joseph Dovari