From the Book of Numbers we have a great Blessing bestowed by God through his chosen priests, Aaron and sons. This is a blessing, which all of us can have and give to any one whom we choose. It could be to our children, to the spouses, to the elders or even to a stranger. When we give a blessing with openness and wishing for the good of the one blessed, God’s blessing will reach them and in turn reach us also in a greater measure.
The beginning of a new year is a good time to impart this blessing. Through this blessing to each other, we thank God for the gift of another year, also for the many blessings he showered on us in the past year and all through our life. All these blessings are the continuation of the great Blessing of giving us God’s only begotten Son Jesus through Mary’s flesh. She is another gift to us as a mother and guide to lead us and take us to Jesus and to the Father.
This day we celebrate Mary, the mother of God. This motherhood of Mary happened because the only begotten son of God, who as God did not have a beginning and will have no end, decided to take a human birth through Mary. Since he is, and was, and will be God forever, and since his human birth or better Incarnation happened through Mary, she became the ‘Mother’ of God made man. Through this Jesus, born of Mary, we have received adoption as sons and daughters of God, which blessing Mary also shares with us. Since Jesus is the Son of God he is also our brother as a human person and in and through him we also are children of Mary.
Jesus bestowed upon us this blessing of becoming the children of God and those of Mary his mother. Let us enjoy that blessing and pray for her intercession to live the New Year as true disciples of Jesus and worthy children of Mary and under the fatherly patronage of St. Joseph the husband of Mary. Two days back we celebrate the feast of this Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Let us be in their company and allow them to be the welcome guests of our families to help us remain together as families and as children of God.
Fr. George