When people with evil intentions plot together, they think they are winning and for a short spell of time victory may seem to be siding with them. But that feeling will be short and never sweet. Soon they will come to the reality of total defeat. Along with their immediate enemy many others will be conquered also. On the dawn of Resurrection of Jesus not only his earthly enemies were defeated and made to be ashamed but other enemies of humans were also made to flee: death is conquered, the devil is defeated, immortality is brought in and man is shown a way to victory for ever.
All these defeats are worked out by God’s love and in place of hatred, love is in forever. The most important message of Jesus after resurrection was
“don’t be afraid”
Mary Magdalene, the disciples and all others were in the grip of fear. At the news of the resurrection, even when it was not yet verified, fear seemed to banish from people’s lives. Mary Magdalene runs fast to communicate the good news; Peter and John are coming out of their hide-outs and run in the open to find out the fact of the resurrection.
This should be the effect of the resurrection of Jesus making in our lives, freedom from fear, freedom to love and give oneself for the sake of love and to be expressions of God’s love on earth. That is our vocation, to be God’s love on earth. Let the resurrection experience strengthen us to be love in this world and to be in love.
Have a blessed Easter !
Fr. George