Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.
What is the Gospel? What are the means? If you want to be great, then be small. If you want to be served, then serve. If you want to be worshiped, then love. If you want to ascend into Heaven, then descend on earth. If you want to be lifted up, then lower yourself. If you want to be first, then be last. He who humbles himself shall be exulted.
St. Augustine wrote,
The only one who has ascended into heaven is the one who came down from heaven.
That’s it. That’s the secret. You cannot ascend into heaven until you have fallen in love on earth.
Humility is a tough sell. Humiliation is even tougher sell. But God told us, I will be on your side. Go. Allow the lord to be with you.
Speak the truth that no one wants to hear. Love others like no one really loves. And you will start walking in his footsteps;
Humiliation, betrayal, rejection, judged, sentenced, executed, entombed. And then and only then, no more steps. He will lift
you up. Your grief, like His will become joy. Start small. End great. Climb ever higher.