A story from the life of Mother Teresa shows her love for lonely and unwanted people, the “sheep without a shepherd,” who, while materially well-off, are sometimes “the poorest of the poor.”

On one occasion, she visited a well-run nursing home where good food, medical care and other facilities were offered to the elderly. As she moved among the old people, she noticed that none of them smiled unless she touched them and smiled at them first. She also noticed that many of them kept glancing expectantly towards the door while listening to her.

When she asked one of the nurses why this was so, she was told:

“They are looking for a visit from someone related to them. But, except for an occasional visit, birthday gift or a get-well card, this never happens.”

Jesus invites us, in today’s Gospel, to show concern, mercy and compassion for such sheep without a shepherd.

Submitted by Fr. Joseph Dovari