The World Day of Prayer Service 2021 is being hosted by Trinity Clifton United Church, Prince St., on Fri., March 5, at 2 pm. (Storm date: Tues., March 9, 2 p.m.) The focus this year is on the country of Vanuatu, and the theme is “Build on a Strong Foundation.” A video of the service, written by the women of Vanuatu and prepared by WICC, will be shown. Offerings will go to WICC to support their grant program and their maintenance of World Day of Prayer. Tax receipts (over $20) will be issued, include your name and address. Cheques should be made out to WICC (Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada.) The protocols for Covid-19 will be followed. Register for the service at , email:, or phone 902-892-4114.
Those unable to attend the Trinity service will be able to access the WICC recorded video by going to and clicking on the One Hour Service button.