May 27, 2018 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

THE PEI RIGHT TO LIFE (RTL) ASSOCIATION will be holding its annual March for LIFE on Sunday May 27th from 2-4pm. Join us at St Pius X Church on St Peter’s Road, Charlottetown, as we walk to the Coles Building on Richmond St. This year’s national theme is “All IN”. In light of the many changes our country has undergone which threaten the life of all, we ask that
you come and be ALL IN for a culture of life!

As a kick-off to the March for Life you are invited to the Knights of Columbus Fundraiser Brunch after the 10:30 Mass (12pm) downstairs at St Dunstan’s Basilica in support of the PEI RTL. For more information see our webpage, FB event or contact: life.sanctuary@pei.aibn.com or our Executive Director, Pat Wiedemer at 902-894-5473.