April 3, 2024 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Crafting a Life You Love At Any Age – In this fun and interactive presentation and discussion, we’ll explore some tools for crafting a life you love at any age You will learn a four step system for designing a life that based on your values and strengths, your current
reality, and what matters most to you in this phase of life. And we’ll discuss some of the barriers that can keep us stuck and how we can work to overcome them. Facilitated by Jamie Feinberg, this session is on April 3, 2024, 1:30-3:30 at The Living Well,
96 Patterson Drive, Hillsborough Park. A snack break is provided. To register, email rmd17csm@gmail.com. SCENT FREE. There is no charge for this session however, you are welcome to bring a food item for our monthly in-house Food Bank.