September 13, 2021 all-day

Registration for the 2021-2022 Catechism Program Parents of children who are entering grades 1 – 9 in the public school system this September are advised that registration for the catechism program at Holy Redeemer for 2021-2022 is now underway. Parents can register their children online at: www.holyredeemerpei.com. On the website, click on “catechism” at the top. Then read the information on the program provided and scroll to the end for the registration forms. For those entering grades 1, and 3 to 8, use Form A, for those entering grade 2 and First Communion, use Form B, and for those entering grade 9 and Confirmation, Form C. Complete a separate form for each person and submit. Registration must be completed by the second Monday of September because of parent meetings that will be held prior to the start up of sessions in mid-October. For further information, you can contact David LeClair at 902-892-1558 or daleclair@pei.eastlink.ca.