STARTUP OF CATECHISM AT HOLY REDEEMER:With the announcement last weekend by the Bishops of Canada that Sun., Oct.1st, will be Catechetical Sunday this year; it has been decided that this year’s catechism program at Holy Redeemer will commence with the Mass of Sunday, October 1st. All of the children in the catechism program, and their families
are requested to attend any of the three Masses on that weekend. Those Masses will be for the intentions of our catechists and their families, from grades 1 – 9; for all parishioners who have arranged for these masses to be celebrated in memory of deceased family members, and ,as always, for the intentions of those present and participating in the Masses. There
will be some catechizing done at the Masses by Fr. Joseph. There will not be any Catechism classes on the Thanksgiving weekend, and classes will begin on Sun., Oct. 15th at 10 AM at Colonel Gray. Further details on classes will follow.