March 17, 2020
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Given the report of the first case of Covid-19 on PEI and the latest provincial health directives, I am directing all priests in the Diocese to cease the celebration of Sunday and weekday Eucharist until further notice.
The Catholic people of the Diocese of Charlottetown are dispensed from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass until the resumption of Sunday Masses is announced.
I am pleased to announce that Eastlink Community TV has agreed to televise Sunday Masses (live) from Holy Redeemer Church at 9am beginning March 22, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. In addition to the Celebrant there will be in attendance a Reader and two Acolytes only. Holy Redeemer Church will open its doors after televising the Mass.
Weddings, baptisms, funerals may proceed but parish priests are reminded to guide the faithful to compliance with provincial health directives regarding the size of the crowd and personal distance between individuals.
Individual confessions may continue as usual and churches may be left unlocked for individual devotions. However, Communal Celebrations of Penance are suspended.
Finally all parish catechism classes are to be suspended until further notice.
The Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our life in Jesus Christ. The extraordinary measures described above, while necessary, are nevertheless a source of spiritual heartache for all of us. And so, as we enter this time of Eucharistic deprivation, let us plan our own schedule of prayer, of visiting a Parish Church, of making the Stations of the Cross, of almsgiving and fasting. Above all, let us pray for the thousands of people who are suffering from this viral infection and the many thousands more who will certainly endure economic hardship.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Bishop Richard Grecco
A copies of the letters in English and French can be downloaded below: