Our celebration of the Eucharist requires that we wash one another’s feet, i.e., serve one another and revere Christ’s presence in other persons. To wash the feet of others is to love them, especially when they don’t deserve our love, and to do good to them, even when they can’t, won’t, or don’t return the favor.
- It is to consider others’ needs to be as important as our own.
- It is to forgive others from the heart, even though they don’t say, “I’m sorry.”
- It is to forgive others from the heart, even though they don’t say, “I’m sorry.”
- It is to serve them, even when the task is unpleasant.
- It is to let others know we care when they feel downtrodden or burdened.
- It is to be generous with what we have. It is to turn the other cheek instead of retaliating when we’re treated unfairly.
- It is to make adjustments in our plans in order to serve others’ needs without expecting any reward.
In doing and suffering all these things in this way, we love and serve Jesus Himself, as He has loved us and has taught us to do (Mt 25:31-ff).
– Father Joseph Dovari