Some time ago, a street-corner preacher who knew how to make religious truths come to life was faced by a hostile crowd.
“How,” one of them demanded, “is it possible for bread and wine to become the Body and Blood of Christ?”
The preacher looked calmly at the stout questioner for a moment and answered, “You have grown somewhat since you were a child and have more flesh and blood than you had then. Surely, if a human body can change food and drink into flesh and blood, God can do it too.”
“But how,” countered the heckler, “is it possible for Christ to be present in his entirety in a small host?”
The preacher glanced up at the sky and down at the street before them and answered, “This city scene and the sky above it is something immense, while your eye is very small. Yet your eye in itself contains the whole picture. When you consider this, it won’t seem impossible for Christ to be present in his entirety in a little piece of bread.”
Once more the heckler attacked. “How, then, is it possible for the same Body of Christ to be present in all your churches at the same time?”
The preacher’s answer: “In a large mirror you see your image reflected but once. When you break the mirror into a thousand pieces, you see the same image of yourself in each of the thousand fragments. If such things occur in everyday life, why should it be impossible for the Body of Christ to be present in many places at once?
Just tell me, what isn’t possible for God!
Father Joseph Dovari