106 St Peters Rd
Charlottetown, PE C1A 5P2

PEI MARCH FOR LIFE 2016 – Sunday, May 29th @ 2:30 pm :We urge everyone, as people who believe God as the giver and taker of LIFE, to boldly stand up and march in support of LIFE. This year, the PEI MARCH FOR LIFE will take a different 2.5km route: beginning at 2:30pm at St. Pius X church,106 St. Peter’s Rd., Charlottetown and going down St. Peter’s Rd/ Longworth Ave/ Euston St/ University Ave to the legislature. You can join anywhere along the way, or if unable, please attend the RALLY at 3:20pm in front of Province House . Water and chips will be available. Signs are provided, however feel free to make your own appropriate and compassionate signs supporting life. Together we can create a huge impact and awareness for pro-life, standing up against the governments’ and courts’ decisions on life issues over the past year. On behalf of the pre-born and vulnerable people, thank you for joining!