
The catechetical program at Holy Redeemer begins in late September or early October and ends in late April or early May.  Classroom  sessions on Sundays or a weekday in the evening at the Parish Centre or Parish Office,  or a home sessions which will include outlines, a schedule, and some worksheets to provide for some assessment.  (Please see registration forms at the bottom of this page.)

Catechism runs from October to April of each year.  First Communion and Confirmation are usually celebrated in May.

The grade 1 program is usually taught at home and concentrates on “God The Father”, and an outline of what is needed to prepare for grade level 2 and First Eucharist is provided along with the necessary materials.

The program, “Be My Disciples”, is used in grades 2-8.  The young people in grade nine in all the parishes of the Diocese of Charlottetown will be celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation. The newly adopted preparation for this Confirmation program, “Decision Point”,  will provide the basic preparation required.  A second part using the book “Confirmation” published by RCL Benziger will provide the detailed preparation (preparation for reconciliation, the role of the sponsor, the actual ceremony for the Ritual of Confirmation, the role of the service project, and the role of the retreat). Much of this part will be covered during the months from February to May.

The grade 7 and 8 programs are now part of the preparation for Confirmation since the topics covered are continued in the grade 9 preparation for the Confirmation program.

The grade 7 program consists of two parts.

The first part, entitled “Christ in the New Testament”, is a mini Bible History, Unit 1 examines the 4 Evangelists and their gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles, and it usually ends in mid November. Unit 2 presents the Letters of St Paul and the Book of Revelation and usually ends in mid January.

In the second part, entitled “Christ Reveals God’s Mystery” Jesus interprets to his disciples (and now to us) everything that refers to Him in the scriptures.  Unit 1  deals with the Revelation of God and is presented from January to mid-March. Unit 2 of Part 2 deals with proclaiming the Gospels, and the life of Jesus, and is usually finished in early May.

The grade 8 program consists of two parts as well.

The first part, entitled “Christ in the Liturgy” deals with the Church and its Activities. It usually ends in mid- November. Unit 2 deals with the history and the action of the 7 sacraments. It usually ends in mid-January.

The second part, entitled “ Life In Christ Jesus” is a presentation on “Living a Good Life As a Follower of Jesus”.  and presents “our Call to Moral (Good) Living”. It usually ends in mid-March. Unit 2 of the second part examines the teaching of Vatican II (2), and the guidance provided by the 10 commandments. [1st-3rd – Obedience, 4th & 5th – Respect, 6th,7th, & 9th – Fidelity (Faithfulness), and 8th & 10th – Courage]. It usually ends in early May.

It is expected that this new, modern, and up-to-date catechism program will provide much enrichment and enhancement in the lives of teachers, parents and their children, and everyone else who might become involved with the program.

Registration for catechism is usually done online in the Spring/early Summer of the previous year. It can also be done at the parish office . Registration forms will be available in the office and at the back of the church. There is a fee to cover the cost of the student activity books, and this will be announced at the beginning of the year. Student books are  returned at the end of the year.

Form A – Catechism registration form for each child Grades 1, or 3 – 8 

Form B – Catechism Registration Form for Grade 2 -First Communion Preparation

Form C – Catechism Registration Form for Grade 9 – Confirmation Preparation Program