We need to accept the loving offer of our Heavenly Father “All I have is yours”
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Robert Frost in “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening”
Faraway hills and forest look green; there are many attractions in life; there are many voices saying to us, “Follow me,” or “Follow your desires and you will find happiness.” But the best and the only real offer of lasting happiness is from God our Father, “All I have is yours.”
God our Heavenly Father stands outside our door waiting for us to open it to Him. For the remainder of Lent, let us try to make every effort to answer that invitation from our Heavenly Father, “All I have is yours.”
Each Lent offers us sinners a chance to return home with a confession of sins, where we will find His welcome and open-armed love. Such a confession will enable us to hasten toward Easter with the eagerness of Faith and love, and it will make possible the rejoicing which today’s liturgy assures us in our Lord’s words:
There is more joy in Heaven over the one sinner who does penance than over the ninety-nine just who do not need penance.
Luke 15:7
Father Joseph Dovari